Costa Rica — Days 11 to 13

Costa Rica — Days 11 to 13

The mountains and Savegre River Valley — 3/3 – 5/3

The next journey was to the cloud forest, stopping for coffee, lunch, and a spot of birding along the way.

We arrived quite late in the day having driven up through the cloud forest to a height of about 3,000m before we turned off down to Trogon lodge where we were staying for the next few days. It was cold and the air was rather thin but the rooms had paraffin heaters and the beds had hot water bottles. We spent most of the time exploring the Savegre River Valley and walking through the gardens around Suria Lodge, the usual Heatherlea accommodation. This is the realm of the Resplendent Quetzal which we were keen to see and we were not disappointed.

On our way back to San José some of us took a small detour to Cerro de la Muerte which is the highest point on the inter-American highway at a height of 3,451m. The views were fantastic but I really noticed the lack of oxygen due the altitude.

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