Day 12 (30 May): We drove to Båtsfjord with stops for birding on the way. The road took us along Tana river and we stopped at Tanamunningen before driving over the mountains to Båtsfjord. Just before we started the descent, Ruth spotted a Snowy Owl, a first for her and for most of the rest of us too.
Drive to Båtsfjord
Birding the the land of the midnight sun with Ruth and Alan
On the way to Båtsfjord
Birding the the land of the midnight sun with Ruth and Alan
It’s a bit nippy up here
Birding the the land of the midnight sun with Ruth and Alan
Long-tailed duck on the icy lake
Birding the the land of the midnight sun with Ruth and Alan
Long-tailed duck on the icy lake
Birding the the land of the midnight sun with Ruth and Alan
Looking for white birds
Birding the the land of the midnight sun with Ruth and Alan
Too much ice for boating
Birding the the land of the midnight sun with Ruth and Alan
Day 13 (31 May): We drove over the mountains again hoping for another glimpse of the Snowy Owl. We did eventually find it but it was a very long way off. We then went down into Kongsfjord and continued towards Berlevåg where we had lunch.
Raindeer on the way to Berlevåg
Birding the the land of the midnight sun with Ruth and Alan
Rangifer tarandus platyrhynchus (Svalbard reindeer)
Birding the the land of the midnight sun with Ruth and Alan
Would you like some?
Birding the the land of the midnight sun with Ruth and Alan
A great beach if it had been warmer
Birding the the land of the midnight sun with Ruth and Alan
Birding the the land of the midnight sun with Ruth and Alan
Birding the the land of the midnight sun with Ruth and Alan
Red-necked phaleropes
Birding the the land of the midnight sun with Ruth and Alan
Birding the the land of the midnight sun with Ruth and Alan
Do you want a snowball fight?
Birding the the land of the midnight sun with Ruth and Alan